Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Comeing back to Globaloria from the short summer break!$$$$

It was a wierd feeling of exitment of sadness, it brought back up a lot of good and bad memory. All the bad ones were really just nervuos ones, when we had a short time to do things. All of the good ones was the last day we had a blast, showing off the games to the others. Globaloria Although, i must say that I missed it over all. I had A great time last year but now it is time to step up my game, in and out of Globaloria.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ideas for my game!

Idea we have for a game is the Holocaust and the Player must escape Auschwitiz, the consentration camp. Also have many different levels of the game. Also we have a variety of colors in the game so Kids our age will want to play it more. Aschuwitiz. We are going to use the New Flash to our Advantage, and use the fire scheme, and lighting scheme, also the smoke scheme. I know it will come in handy, because my patner said she wants to use it.