Friday, December 10, 2010

The why we plan to use sound in our game is...............

SOUNDI plan to use sound in my game by every time you click something and it will ring like a cash thing. Also at the end of the game if you win there will be a wining sound at the end and if you get it wrong there will be a losing sound at the end.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A picture that relates to our game!!!!!!!

This is a good picture that relates to our game. Here are some reasons that maks it stand out to me.1st thing that stands out to me is it is an animation about a mall.It is a pretty day outside in the back ground and a lot of people.Chargers!!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The reason I have picked this one is.....................

The reason I have picked this one is because it is organized very properly and very pink.You can tell that it has been worked on a lot by the The Amazing A's

Friday, November 12, 2010

My reflection on my class!!!!!

Over all I think everyone likes working on flash. And in my piont of view I love working in flash.Because there are so many things to like make movie clips and buttons and ect.So it can do a lot of things. Nobody complians about it so I think every body likes it.FLASH

Monday, November 1, 2010

A link i have found !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have found a link of Alyssa's and it takes you to the winning game last year and that could be helpful to see a good game and how it is made.And this is a link to the link of the game so here it is this is it!!!!!!!so click on that and play the game.

Friday, October 15, 2010


The way we put our game in order is to help the player to better understand our topic, such as using normal stores you would see in any other mall, and use normal numbers.So as you can see we try our best to help the player  to better understand the game.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A new idea!!!!!!!!!!!

FLASH   A new idea that i have learned to do in Globaloria is FLASH, I had no idea what flash was .....anything and i am still not so sure what all Flash has.So the first time i played with it I waz so supprised what i could do on flash, i could paint a picture,and type a paper.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Another Blog!!!!!!!!

Yes, this assinment has made my idea alot more clear and to see that look like that is so amazing and if i can really make my game the way i can see it in my head it will be the best game ever.And it has in a way modifiy my way of seeing it now.Because i thought about makeing alot of quizzes and questions.And now i only think of the mian topic.It was made in my head not like Madden 11,GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Go Chargers!!!,And paper Prototypeing is the good part because it did make me modifiy our game in our heads.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Our game idea is about a mall and its name is Iron Star  Mall. And in that mall we are going to have ,a Sports store, and two resturaunts,a game store,a guy store,a girl store.And we have to have Tips,Disimals,Percents,Discounts.And hopefuly people have just  got there pay checks,and scents we have to name the stores here they are.
* Carbon Sport
* Food Galexy
* Ladies In The House (Girl Store)
* Gamer Isle
* Rocking Food
* A.G.S.(Awesome Guy Store)
See there is many stores but on each level you get a differnt store so each store has diffrent prices so it will have a challenge . I think  we can make this game work,and make it so everyone has a good time playing a game.That important to have a game that everybody likes because if no one wants to play now one will notice it.
The things that I am most exited about is seeing what my game is really going to looking like,and working on designing it and working on the graphics with my best friend Corey and he is very helpfull.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The games I play on my free time.

The games I play on my free time are Endless War Three.And I play that game because it teaches Strategy,War,and those are the games i like to play,and more than likely that is a game topic me and my parnter will make a game about,because we both arrger that is a good topic to make a educational game about.GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Endless War 3

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My self and the Chargers!!!!!!!

Chargers Rock!!!!My name is Christian ,I love the San Diego Chargers,And my favorite colors are,Blue,Orange.I make good grades, I play srms football and our mascot is the tigers,we are certainly not the best,but we try.So far Globaloria is cool but there are so bumpes here and there.But we make it out save.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I picked Strategy because if i made a game like that it would be the best.Strategy games are makeing people think harder than most games because in strategy games make you think of a strategy before you play the game.Other games you just play to go on and win and the strategy games you play for survival.And in the strategy games you have to put things in certant order and other games you have to guess and you  get more than one chance and in real life you may not.And like in Madden 11 the game you have one chance two win or go

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Monday, August 30, 2010

WoW globaloria is sweet

I would love to learn how to actually make the games.Because I think it would be a great thing to do for the rest of my life.So i could make a lot of money,and that would be great living.I would also like to write more blogs because i can say what we have been doing the pass day.And after a few days or so i'll get the hang of it. And, the game that I would probably make would be about the San Diego Chargers. because I thing they are a prettty cool football team. And, that's why I would make my game about the San Diego
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